ADHD Coach Maddy

Are Your Ready for Coaching?

Answer the following questions honestly and see if coaching is the right step for you now:

  • Am I ready to change?
  • Am I going to put into practice new skills, strategies and habits?
  • Am I going to commit to a weekly coaching ritual and check-ins?
  • Do I realize that coaching success depends on me and not my coach?
  • Am I going to be honest with my coach?
  • Am I going to accept support and encouragement and not self-sabotage?
  • Am I going to do what I say I am going to do and if something isn’t working I will discuss it with my coach and see if we can use a new strategy?
  • Am I able to take positive feedback and not view it as criticism?
  • Am I ready to financially invest in coaching?

If you answered “YES” to most of these questions, super! You are ready to begin your coaching journey!

If most of your answers were geared towards “NO”, that’s OK. I invite you to take a look behind those answers and see if perhaps another type of professional could be right for you.