The Pain of my Clients
The pain of some ADHDers that have come to me…
- I think I’m broken
- I am always late for things
- I am so frustrated with the world and myself
- I can’t finish anything
- I just can’t sit still
- My parents don’t understand me
- I don’t understand me
- I don’t have any friends
- I don’t like or love myself
- I am constantly interrupting people
- I’m just not where I’m supposed to be
- I don’t know how to study or what my teachers want from me
- My feelings are always getting hurt
- I can’t make decisions and it drives me crazy
- I never think through my decisions I am way too impulsive
- I always wait until the last possible minute to get my work started
- I think I’m an alien
- I can’t ever get to sleep;
- I’m always thinking or analyzing something
- I keep loosing interest in my partners
- I haven’t files my taxes in 8 years
- I can’t stand the way certain people talk to me
- I hate waiting in line it just gets me so angry
- I have terrible road rage; why don’t people know how to drive
- I wonder if I’ll ever be able to keep a job, I am always getting fired
- I am always so anxious- I always feel like I’ve forgotten to do something and everybody is judging me
- I have problems getting along well with people of my own sex I much prefer the opposite sex
- I know what people are thinking about me and they don’t like me
- I watch TV until the sun comes up and then I’m exhausted and can sleep
- I stay up until all hours on the computer
- I don’t know how to organize my work to get anything done
- I don’t know what I should be working on or even how to get it started
- I say horrible things to myself that if I said to someone else they would never talk to me again
- I always have a enemy at work
- There are so many thoughts in my head I don’t know what to focus on
- I think terrible things about people in my head
- I’ll start a new routine and get excited and then
- I’ll loose interest and get so hard on myself
- I can do something for somebody else but I can’t do the exact same thing for me
- I procrastinate about everything I have thousands of unfinished projects
- I get completely lost in the detail of things and then the time is up on the project and I haven’t moved forward
- I drink wine at night so I can unwind
- I smoke week to calm me down and keep only one thought in my head
- When I get angry it’s like “The Hulk” has taken over me
- I never go away anywhere on vacation because I never get around to planning or saving for one
- I have so much debt I see something and I just have to have it
- I don’t know how to start a conversation
- I have so many hobbies that I don’t know where to store the stuff anymore
- My children have so many activities it feels like I spend all my time running around picking them up and dinner is always too late
- My child is so angry it scares me sometimes
- I wonder if my child will ever develop the skills to support himself when I’m gone. I don’t know what will happen to him
- My kids hate each other so much it’s like a constant battlefield in the house and they just don’t listen to me anymore
- I can’t follow conversations and I look like an idiot
- My wife says I just don’t pay attention to her anymore
- I am super sensitive to criticism and I get very defensive
- If I’m not the best at something I feel like there is something wrong with me or I have failed
- I don’t accept people’s compliments
- I’ll be great at work for a month and be terrible the next month I am never consistent
- I’m always getting lost, I can’t find my way anywhere
- If my wife tells me how to drive I just get so irritated with her
- I snap at my husband when he tries to correct me
- I open up too much to people and often regret it
- I am so sensitive in relationships that I end up sabotaging them
- I have a dream but something is holding me back from reaching it or maybe I just don’t deserve it
- It’s like I’m always daydreaming